Coming Out


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A Raw Unadulterated Expose Of My Inner Thoughts.

I took a risk with this album and allowed myself to be vulnerable. I Exposed my experiences with love & life, to free myself and inspire others to be free as well. "Coming Out" is a love story. Beginning with loving yourself. Appreciating who you are & what you have to offer. Sharing love,

A Raw Unadulterated Expose Of My Inner Thoughts.

I took a risk with this album and allowed myself to be vulnerable. I Exposed my experiences with love & life, to free myself and inspire others to be free as well. "Coming Out" is a love story. Beginning with loving yourself. Appreciating who you are & what you have to offer. Sharing love, trusting enough to give yourself completely, All to have your heart broken. We sometimes feel its thee end but when you "Come Out" of your hell you'll realize its a better beginning. With this album i also wanted to add a voice for the LGBT community. Although we've come far, we still have a long way to go in the fight for equality for all people.

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